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Benefits and possible complications of Vaginal Birth

Reading Time: 5 minutes What is vaginal delivery? A vaginal delivery is when a person gives birth through their vagina. Vaginal deliveries are the most common and most preferred method of delivery. This is because they are typically low-risk and carry the most benefits to the birthing person and baby. During a vaginal birth, your uterus contracts to thin and open your cervix to…

All you need to know about C-Section

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hearing about cesarean from different sources can be confusing and overwhelming, in the following we want to sum up the information that may help you get a clear idea of what a C-Section means and involves so you can feel more comfortable on knowing what to expect if this is your case. Keep in mind that any type of delivery…

What to expect during my Postpartum Period

Reading Time: 4 minutes Giving birth is a very rewarding but also challenging experience that doesn’t end after delivery, as then comes the postpartum period in which your body is recovering from the many changes that it went to and while this is happening, you are getting to know your baby and also learning to take care of him/her. In the following, we will…

What types of Child Delivery are there?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Childbirth, also known as labor and delivery, can occur through several different methods. Some families plan ahead for what they hope the delivery will go, but the truth is that you cant really determine this since it will depend on what will be best for you and for your baby depending on how he/she comes. What types of childbirth exists? …

Prenatal Testing: when should I take them

Reading Time: 4 minutes Prenatal testing helps you to monitor the health and development of both you and your baby during pregnancy.  These tests are a great way to identify potential risks in order to make an intervention when needed.  Here we will explore which and when prenatal tests are recommended by healthcare professionals to help you understand the options that you may have…

Types, costs, success and risks of Fertility Treatments

Reading Time: 5 minutes Having an infertility challenge can make partners feel overwhelmed with all the information that is offered now about alternatives for it. This article has the intention to make this process more clear for you by showing the overall information that can help you make the decision that is more comfortable for you along with your partner and your doctor. When…

All you need to know about Egg Freezing

Reading Time: 5 minutes Many people struggle with infertility, medical conditions and life choices that interfere with having a baby; and although you and your partner may not necessarily be in a rush to get pregnant, we know that woman’s fertility declines over the years, which can make you feel in a need to rush things or in a feeling that you family planning…

Prenatal Nutrition: Fueling your Body and Baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes Striving for good nutrition is important during pregnancy because your body is going through so many changes. A growing baby needs a lot of nutrients, and your body needs extra energy and nutrients to support the pregnancy. Pregnant women should eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups, including: Fruits Vegetables whole grains lean protein low-fat dairy healthy…

Midwives: Who They Are and What They Do

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is a Midwife? The term “midwife” is defined as a woman trained to assist during childbirth. A  midwife provides care for women during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. In some forms, that care extends into the realm of primary care and gynecological care. When picking a midwife as a provider, it is important to know that there are different types…

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