Avery Reckers


Hello! My name is Avery Reckers. I am a DONA certified birth doula, writer, and editor! I am a momma of one and I have a passion for educating women about birth and health!

Prenatal Nutrition: Fueling your Body and Baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes Striving for good nutrition is important during pregnancy because your body is going through so many changes. A growing baby needs a lot of nutrients, and your body needs extra energy and nutrients to support the pregnancy. Pregnant women should eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups, including: Fruits Vegetables whole grains lean protein low-fat dairy healthy…

Midwives: Who They Are and What They Do

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is a Midwife? The term “midwife” is defined as a woman trained to assist during childbirth. A  midwife provides care for women during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. In some forms, that care extends into the realm of primary care and gynecological care. When picking a midwife as a provider, it is important to know that there are different types…

Entering the Postpartum Phase

Reading Time: 4 minutes Care and Recovery Having a plan of action for postpartum care is essential! Forming a care plan allows you to step back and evaluate what is important to you and what is vital for the health of you and your newborn baby. Allowing loved ones or friends to help you during this time can boost your recovery emotionally and physically.…

The Birth Plan: Preparing for the Experience you Envision

Reading Time: 3 minutes Creating a birth plan is essential when preparing for your birth and the postpartum stage. A birth plan allows you to step back and evaluate what is important to you and what you envision for your journey. It also allows anyone serving at or attending the birth to have an understanding of how to come alongside you and serve you!…

Baby’s Diarrhea

Reading Time: 4 minutes Everything I need to know about my Baby’s Diarrhea Baby ́s bodies function in a specific way and are different from adults. While learning to take care of your baby, you may feel like you’re constantly learning about some of these differences, such as your baby having soft and loose stool and what it means. The fact that your baby’s…

Baby Colic

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to help your baby with Colic? You’ve tried a  diaper change, fed your baby, changed its clothes, gave your baby a bath, and naptime. Your baby is still crying. You want to help, but you don’t know what else you can do.Your baby may be experiencing colic!  In the following we will tell you about what colic is and…

Baby Constipation

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to know if my baby is constipated and what to do about it Babies tend to cry, strain, or get a red face while pooping. You may think that your baby is constipated or having related issues. Keep in mind that as your child is growing and developing and so is his/her bowel movement and digestive system. It’s common…

Baby’s upset stomach

Reading Time: 4 minutes What helps my baby soothe stomach pain? Watching your baby experience stomach issues can be distressing.  As your baby is growing and his/her digestive system is developing, it is normal to have some tummy troubles. Finding ways to soothe his/her discomfort can help you all feel happier. Here we will talk about how to tell if stomach pain is what…

Gassy baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes Understanding the causes and soothing techniques Being gassy could make your baby feel fussy and uncomfortable. Although having gas is a natural function, sometimes it can be a source of trouble. In the following, we will dive into the topic of gassy babies and practical solutions that may help you soothe your baby’s tiny tummy. Why is my baby so…

How to Get Back to my Weight before Pregnancy

Reading Time: 4 minutes It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy. You  not only add your baby’s weight to your body, but you also have extra weight due to body development. During the course of a healthy pregnancy, you will experience weight gain such as amniotic fluid, placenta,  increased fluids, blood, fat and breast tissue. How much weight should I lose naturally after…

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