Tag: giving birth

What types of Child Delivery are there?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Childbirth, also known as labor and delivery, can occur through several different methods. Some families plan ahead for what they hope the delivery will go, but the truth is that you cant really determine this since it will depend on what will be best for you and for your baby depending on how he/she comes. What types of childbirth exists? …

How to care for your Health after delivery

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s common to forget to take care of yourself while taking care of a newborn, but keep in mind that your body has gone through a big process whether you had a C-Section or a vaginal birth; which means that it needs time to recover. What is postpartum care? Even if you feel overall well, keep in mind that once…

Dealing with Postpartum Anxiety and Depression

Reading Time: 4 minutes Having a baby can bring many changes to your body, including hormonal movements. Childbirth can also bring psychological and social changes. In this article, we´ll talk about two medical conditions that could show up after (or even before) giving birth. Postpartum Depression First of all, we want to distinguish between postpartum depression and baby blues, as they are two different …

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