Tag: latching

Breastfeeding with Flat or Inverted Nipples

Reading Time: 4 minutes Inverted Nipples Having inverted nipples is a condition where the nipple is retracted inwards and usually lies flat against the areola (the colored ring around the nipple). Inverted nipples can be congenital, meaning that the person has them from birth or acquired as the person develops them later in life. Inverted nipples can happen to men and women. Are inverted…

What Makes a Good Latch

Reading Time: 2 minutes Successful attachment to the breast is very important. A deep latch is achieved when the baby has latched to the breast, and not the nipple. Breast tissue is in the baby’s mouth and they are able to press their chin against the breast and use their tongue to properly transfer milk from the breast and into their mouth. Tips to…

How To Do All Breastfeeding Positions

Reading Time: 5 minutes In the beginning, positioning the baby correctly at the breast is so important. Once the baby starts to get a little bit older, they tend to take the lead on how they position their body at the breast. But in the beginning, in order to encourage efficient and comfortable milk removal, proper breastfeeding positions can play a big role.  For…

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