Tag: newborn

Baby Constipation

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to know if my baby is constipated and what to do about it Babies tend to cry, strain, or get a red face while pooping. You may think that your baby is constipated or having related issues. Keep in mind that as your child is growing and developing and so is his/her bowel movement and digestive system. It’s common…

Gassy baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes Understanding the causes and soothing techniques Being gassy could make your baby feel fussy and uncomfortable. Although having gas is a natural function, sometimes it can be a source of trouble. In the following, we will dive into the topic of gassy babies and practical solutions that may help you soothe your baby’s tiny tummy. Why is my baby so…

Connecting with my Partner while taking care of a Baby

Reading Time: 4 minutes Between postpartum recovery and adapting to life with a baby, your routine makes an important turn after delivery and this can impact your relationship with your partner. It’s important to keep in mind that the stage of your children taking all of your attention will eventually fade away and if you both wish to, your partner will still be there…

When will my baby sleep through the night?

Reading Time: 5 minutes When your baby is born, your life will have a lot of new things happening pretty much at the same time. There are many great things that you will experience, and you will have some challenges; the change of your sleeping patterns is one of them. In this article we want to tell you all about your baby’s sleeping patterns…

Infant Reflux

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you have a newborn, you will start to see a lot of things happening to your baby’s body while watching him/her grow up. Some of these things are common in adults too, but not as frequent, such as hiccups for example; which may make you wonder if they are normal or ok. In this article, we want to tell…

Baby Acne

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you have a newborn, you will see that there are a lot of things happening in your baby’s body as he/she is growing up. Sometimes you may not understand why some things are occurring or if they are ok, this could happen when you see acne on your baby’s skin. In this article, we will tell you all you…

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