Tag: babies

Baby’s Diarrhea

Reading Time: 4 minutes Everything I need to know about my Baby’s Diarrhea Baby ́s bodies function in a specific way and are different from adults. While learning to take care of your baby, you may feel like you’re constantly learning about some of these differences, such as your baby having soft and loose stool and what it means. The fact that your baby’s…

Baby Colic

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to help your baby with Colic? You’ve tried a  diaper change, fed your baby, changed its clothes, gave your baby a bath, and naptime. Your baby is still crying. You want to help, but you don’t know what else you can do.Your baby may be experiencing colic!  In the following we will tell you about what colic is and…

Baby’s upset stomach

Reading Time: 4 minutes What helps my baby soothe stomach pain? Watching your baby experience stomach issues can be distressing.  As your baby is growing and his/her digestive system is developing, it is normal to have some tummy troubles. Finding ways to soothe his/her discomfort can help you all feel happier. Here we will talk about how to tell if stomach pain is what…

Signs of Food Allergies in Babies

Reading Time: 4 minutes If your baby is having an abnormal response to a certain food it could be a sign of a food allergy. In this article, we will tell you about how it can affect your baby and what you can do to help. What are the most common food allergies? First of all, it’s important to mention that a food allergy…

Is it safe to use Marijuana while Breastfeeding?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Some products containing CBD have been promising to be wonderful to treat different issues and with no negative effects; so you may feel that it is ok to consume them even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In this article we will tell you what scientific research has said about it so you can be well informed on what you…

Why are Probiotics good for my Baby?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this article, we want to take a deeper look into baby probiotics so you can make the decision that works best for you and your baby. Baby Probiotics The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) defines probiotics as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”. These live microorganisms are…

Infant Reflux

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you have a newborn, you will start to see a lot of things happening to your baby’s body while watching him/her grow up. Some of these things are common in adults too, but not as frequent, such as hiccups for example; which may make you wonder if they are normal or ok. In this article, we want to tell…

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