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Some products containing CBD have been promising to be wonderful to treat different issues and with no negative effects; so you may feel that it is ok to consume them even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

In this article we will tell you what scientific research has said about it so you can be well informed on what you can do to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

What are Marijuana and CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a primary component in the cannabis plant, it can be derived from marijuana or from hemp (both types of cannabis plants) and it does not produce a “high”. It can be found in different products such as drugs, foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. 

Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S during pregnancy;  it is a type of cannabis plant. which contains varying levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the compound that produces the “high” that is often associated with marijuana.

Some women use it in the belief that it is safe, and that it helps as a natural way to treat nausea, but the only product of this kind that the FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration)  has approved is one prescription CBD drug product and two prescription drug products containing dronabinol, a synthetic version of THC, which have been approved to treat some side effects of HIV-AIDS or chemotherapy. (and the 3 of them have risks and side effects).

Can I take CBD or Marijuana while pregnant, will it affect my baby?

Marijuana and other products with THC have been advised not to be used during pregnancy because the THC that marijuana contains crosses the placenta (cannabinoid receptors have been found in fetal brain and in placenta) and can enter the fetal brain from your bloodstream which can affect fetal brain development.

Marijuana can also increase the risk of a newborn with low birth weight and the risk for premature birth, and stillbirth increases too. Studies suggest that marijuana consumption during pregnancy could be linked to problems with attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and behavior in those babies while growing up.

Although products that contain CBD promised to be safe it has shown risk for people in general including liver damage, extreme sleepiness and harmful interactions with other drugs. As studies are still going on there is no information to know if CBD is safe or effective, or the doses of it, the interactions with other drugs or foods or if there are dangerous side effects.

The FDA is still collecting data of the possible harmful effects of CBD on the developing fetus, pregnancy and breastfed baby, even so, there is some information recommending not to do it; as high doses of CBD in pregnant test animals have caused problems with the reproductive system of developing male fetuses. 

Can I take CBD while breastfeeding? 

If you consume CBD while breastfeeding, some amount of it is expected to pass to your baby through your breast milk, so your baby will be consuming it as well.

Also, the FDA has mentioned that there is a potential that CBD products are contaminated with substances that could harm your baby as reports have been made on CBD having pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, fungus or even THC (investigations are still going on this matter).

Can I smoke Marijuana while breastfeeding, will it affect my baby? 

An important thing to mention is that the THC that marijuana contains has been found in breast milk for up to six days after use, so it will pass through your milk into your baby for that long.

This THC may affect your newborn’s brain development with the risk of developing hyperactivity or poor cognitive function. Also, marijuana smoke contains some of the components that tobacco smoke has which will harm your baby as well.

Be aware that if you don´t smoke marijuana but you or your baby are around people that are doing so, chances are that you will be breathing it as well.

Also, if you are intoxicated with marijuana, it can interfere with your cognitive function, such as memory or perception of time and motor function which will not help you to take care of your baby or keep him/her safe.

The FDA strongly advises that while pregnant or breastfeeding you avoid the use of CBD, THC or Marijuana in any form, since there isn’t substance research that says that they will help your baby in any way and there have been findings that claim that it will harm him/her. 

Keep in mind that when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your baby and you are consuming the same things, so be careful on what you give to him/her as his/her body isn’t the same as yours, it is still developing and is a lot more sensitive. Always keep your doctor close to know what is best regarding your specific case.

In Breastfeeding 101 we hope this information has been of help for you to learn about the consumption of marijuana and CBD while pregnant or breastfeeding. We invite you to follow all of our content to learn more about your baby’s health.

In the following we share with you some of the sources that made this article possible:Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use I National Library of Medicine
Cannabidiol use and effectiveness: real-world evidence from a Canadian medical cannabis clinic I National Library of Medicine
Marijuana in Pregnancy I Kuczkow
Marijuana and Pregnancy I SAMHSA
Marijuana Use During Pregnancy and Lactation I ACOG
U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain I Office of the surgeon general
What are the potential health effects of using marijuana during my pregnancy? I Marijuana and Public Health

written by
Annie Rueb

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