Tag: feeding

Baby Constipation

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to know if my baby is constipated and what to do about it Babies tend to cry, strain, or get a red face while pooping. You may think that your baby is constipated or having related issues. Keep in mind that as your child is growing and developing and so is his/her bowel movement and digestive system. It’s common…

Baby’s upset stomach

Reading Time: 4 minutes What helps my baby soothe stomach pain? Watching your baby experience stomach issues can be distressing.  As your baby is growing and his/her digestive system is developing, it is normal to have some tummy troubles. Finding ways to soothe his/her discomfort can help you all feel happier. Here we will talk about how to tell if stomach pain is what…

Gassy baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes Understanding the causes and soothing techniques Being gassy could make your baby feel fussy and uncomfortable. Although having gas is a natural function, sometimes it can be a source of trouble. In the following, we will dive into the topic of gassy babies and practical solutions that may help you soothe your baby’s tiny tummy. Why is my baby so…

The Importance of Partner-baby Bonding

Reading Time: 4 minutes Sometimes fathers feel left out, lonely and inadequate during pregnancy or breastfeeding, since it seems like they are “not doing the job”; which could get in the way of bonding with their baby. Social expectations consider the father as the “strong one” but less competent to take care of a baby, such expectations may make you exclude your partner by…

Pros and cons of Cow’s milk and Vegan milk for my baby

Reading Time: 4 minutes Nowadays there are many options and products that promise to bring the best nutrition for your family, which can make it confusing to know what to choose. In this article, we will tell you about the impact that consuming cow’s milk and/or vegan milk can have on your baby; as well as when to introduce them, so you can make…

Baby’s Growth Spurts

Reading Time: 3 minutes Your baby may be growing at such a  fast rate that you don’t  notice it happening. In this article, we will talk about milestones of growth and how to manage them. What are growth spurts? First of all, it is important to mention that every child is different and each will grow at different rates. Baby development is  dependent on…

How to break breastfeeding-sleep association?

Reading Time: 5 minutes When it comes to helping your baby to sleep, breastfeeding has been found to be a great option to make this happen, but there is a common doubt as to whether this is a healthy habit or a good choice for babies. In this article we will tell you what has been found regarding this habit so you can make…

How to Improve my Baby’s Gut Health

Reading Time: 4 minutes Nowadays, there is research that connects our gut health to that of our overall health.  In this article, we will review the discoveries on a baby’s gut health to help you decide what works best for you and your baby! Baby’s Gut Health Gut Microbiota is established during the early stages of life. This has an impact not only on…

Infant Reflux

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you have a newborn, you will start to see a lot of things happening to your baby’s body while watching him/her grow up. Some of these things are common in adults too, but not as frequent, such as hiccups for example; which may make you wonder if they are normal or ok. In this article, we want to tell…

Baby’s Hiccups

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you have a baby, you may be paying a lot of attention to the details, wanting to make sure that everything is working out in the best way possible and that you feel comfortable taking care of your baby. We all have hiccups, but is very common that baby´s have them more frequently than adults which could let you…

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