Tag: healthy diet

Everything you need to know about Gestational Diabetes

Reading Time: 4 minutes Gestational diabetes doesn’t happen to every woman. When it does happen it is most likely to do so in the second or third trimester of pregnancy; it can cause problems for you and your baby during pregnancy and after birth.  The good news is that the risks of it can be reduced if the condition is detected early and well…

Baby’s Diarrhea

Reading Time: 4 minutes Everything I need to know about my Baby’s Diarrhea Baby ́s bodies function in a specific way and are different from adults. While learning to take care of your baby, you may feel like you’re constantly learning about some of these differences, such as your baby having soft and loose stool and what it means. The fact that your baby’s…

Baby Constipation

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to know if my baby is constipated and what to do about it Babies tend to cry, strain, or get a red face while pooping. You may think that your baby is constipated or having related issues. Keep in mind that as your child is growing and developing and so is his/her bowel movement and digestive system. It’s common…

How to care for your Health after delivery

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s common to forget to take care of yourself while taking care of a newborn, but keep in mind that your body has gone through a big process whether you had a C-Section or a vaginal birth; which means that it needs time to recover. What is postpartum care? Even if you feel overall well, keep in mind that once…

How to remain Fit and Healthy after giving birth

Reading Time: 4 minutes The main thing to prioritize when thinking of maintaining yourself fit is to have a healthy life; which includes a healthy body and mind. This means that exercise, diet and lifestyle shouldn’t be a result of a pressure to avoid normal changes that your body has after birth, but a purpose to have a healthy routine that keeps you strong…

What can hinder Weight Loss after childbirth?

Reading Time: 4 minutes After delivery, it  may seem like you are tossed into a new routine. Your time isn’t really yours and your needs seem to take second place. There is a lot of adjusting during this period of time. Sit back and recognize the amazing job you are doing! Stop judging yourself for not getting back to your weight like you may…

How to Overcome Parental Anxiety

Reading Time: 4 minutes Becoming a parent is followed by a large sense of responsibility, and it is natural to feel worried.  The issue is when you can´t turn these worries off. In this article we will talk about parental anxiety, what it means, and ways to overcome it so you can enjoy this journey of taking care of a child. What is Parental…

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Anxiety

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the many great things about breastfeeding is that it doesn’t only imply a healthy feeding for your baby, but it also has an impact on your mental health. In the following, we will talk about the relationship between breastfeeding and anxiety, regarding risks, treatment and ways to maintain a healthy feeding bond with your baby. Can breastfeeding hormones…

Babies Diet: what to Include and what to avoid

Reading Time: 4 minutes Daily routine as well as keeping up with social life can get in the way of maintaining a healthy diet, but knowing what a healthy diet is and what isn´t may be of help to make the choices you need in order to maintain your family’s diet as healthy as possible. Keep in mind that your child is always watching…

What you need to know about your Baby’s Hydration

Reading Time: 4 minutes We often hear the wonders that drinking water has to us, and even the repercussions that not doing so has. But this doesn’t work the same way with your baby as it does with you. In this article we will tell you about your baby’s hydration, how it works, and when it’s the right time to start introducing water to…

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