After delivery, it may seem like you are tossed into a new routine. Your time isn’t really yours and your needs seem to take second place.
There is a lot of adjusting during this period of time. Sit back and recognize the amazing job you are doing!
Stop judging yourself for not getting back to your weight like you may have expected. You are doing a great job and your body is working to care for a new baby! It’s important to take time and prioritize your recovery, health, and your baby’s health.
In the following we will talk about what can hinder weight loss after childbirth.
The important thing to keep in mind is that weight loss after delivery is not the priority for your health, so it’s ok to take a little longer than you expected.
What body changes are common after birth?
Changes come with pregnancy, and your body goes on an incredible journey by growing a new life inside of you.This comes with hormonal changes and weight gain.
Delivery itself, (whether you had a vaginal birth or a C-Section), comes with obstacles and changes to your body that need time to recover.
During recovery, you are also feeding your baby and creating milk supply. This has an impact on your body, (sometimes including hormonal changes holding on to weight).
Other than body changes, it’s important to acknowledge that after birth there are many changes that have an impact on your body ( lack of sleep, breastfeeding routine, caring for your baby, etc.) Having less time to do things for yourself (cooking, exercising, resting, going out, etc.) can take a toll as well!
How do body changes effect weight loss?
Although body and social changes are normal and healthy, they may have an impact on your weight loss, such as:
- Breastfeeding: Making milk supply to feed your baby causes you to lose calories. Your body wants to ensure that your baby will always be fed, so it holds some weight for reserves.
Breastfeeding can also make you feel hungrier than usual, which causes you to eat more than you used to. A common misconception is that you have to “eat double” now that your baby is feeding. In order to maintain milk supply, you only need about 400 extra calories and they should come from healthy foods.
- Lack of sleep: research shows that sleeping less after childbirth has an impact on lifestyle behaviors, such as: exercising, planning and preparing healthy meals, etc. It can cause metabolic pathways that trigger weight loss, such as: insulin resistance and extra appetite.
- Stress: It´s normal to feel overwhelmed by all the changes you are going through. When you are stressed your body may reach higher cortisol levels, which can cause you to have more cravings and store fat.
- Postpartum depression: Ifyou are feeling blue, losing weight or taking care of yourself may not be in your top priorities.
- Exercising: Pregnancy may make you develop a diastasis recti ( abdominal muscles get separated) They need to go back to their place before doing regular exercise.
What can I do to solve or cope with them
It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about how much weight is normal to gain in your pregnancy.
If you are in the postpartum period now, do not worry. Ask your doctor regarding your specific case. It’s important to know what you need in order to recover from delivery and to prioritize health.
Do not pressure yourself, but maintain healthy habits! Here are some recommendations that may help while you experience body and routine changes:
- While breastfeeding, avoid eating extra calories you need from foods that aren’t healthy (refined sugar and over processed foods.)
- Do pelvic floor muscles exercises before starting to exercise again.
- Maintain a healthy diet.
- Avoid an extra sedentary life. Move around by taking a walk with your baby around the block.
- Be kind to yourself and don’t stress yourself out.
- Ask for all the help and support you need! Involve your partner and the people around you to help maintain health and happiness.
- Keep your healthcare provider informed if you feel that you need medical care in order to balance your hormones, etc..
New routine and weight loss
Keep in mind that you are getting into a new routine that brings a lot of changes.
The bottom line is to prioritize your health and your baby’s health! Be kind to yourself and ask for all the help you need in order to rest and take care of you. Maintain a healthy diet and take your time to recover your pelvic floor muscles. Take walks, stat hydrated and don’t forget to enjoy your baby! Having skin-to-skin contact with him/her can release oxytocin and reduce stress levels that will help you have a healthier routine.
In Breastfeeding 101 we hope this information has helped to understand more of what you may be going through regarding postpartum and weight loss.
We love to have you here and invite you to follow all of our content to learn more about your health and your baby’s.
If you want to learn more about what can hinder your weight loss after childbirth, here are some of the sources that help to make this article:
- Diastasis recti I Cleveland Clinic
- Lifestyle interventions to maternal weight loss after birth: a systematic review I BMC
- Maternal Stress Predicts Postpartum Weight Retention I National Library of Medicine
- Postpartum weight loss and glucose metabolism in women with gestational diabetes: the DEBI Study I National Library of Medicine
- Reducing Postpartum Weight Retention: A Review of the Implementation Challenges of Postpartum Lifestyle Interventions I National Library of Medicine
- Sleep deprivation and failure to lose weight after delivery I University of California
- Weight loss after pregnancy: challenges and opportunities I Cambridge University Press
- Weight management before, during and after pregnancy I NHS
- Women’s Wellness: Breastfeeding and weight loss I Mayo Clinic
Avery Reckers