Reading Time: 4 minutes Sometimes fathers feel left out, lonely and inadequate during pregnancy or breastfeeding, since it seems like they are “not doing the job”; which could get in the way of bonding with their baby. Social expectations consider the father as the “strong one” but less competent to take care of a baby, such expectations may make you exclude your partner by…
Reading Time: 4 minutes After delivery, it may seem like you are tossed into a new routine. Your time isn’t really yours and your needs seem to take second place. There is a lot of adjusting during this period of time. Sit back and recognize the amazing job you are doing! Stop judging yourself for not getting back to your weight like you may…
Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the many great things about breastfeeding is that it doesn’t only imply a healthy feeding for your baby, but it also has an impact on your mental health. In the following, we will talk about the relationship between breastfeeding and anxiety, regarding risks, treatment and ways to maintain a healthy feeding bond with your baby. Can breastfeeding hormones…
Reading Time: 5 minutes In this article we will talk about alternatives that you can have when going back to work if you are breastfeeding, whether you decide to keep up producing milk or to stop. There is no right or wrong here, it is a matter of what’s best for you and for your baby and to make the necessary adjustments to get…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Having a baby is a beautiful but challenging adventure that takes a lot of energy and time off your schedule, so getting pregnant right away may not be in your plan list In this article, we will tell you about ways that you can avoid getting pregnant right away without interfering with the process of breastfeeding; and if you are…