Welcome to your breastfeeding journey! As you may have heard before, breast milk is the best way to provide your baby with ideal nutrition to support their development by giving them nutrients that protect them and make your kid grow healthy. Nurturing your baby brings lots of benefits, not only for them, but for you as well, yet a lot of moms find themselves every year with significant barriers that can make this process difficult, primarily due to a low milk supply, luckily products like lactation powders can be useful to boost the quantity of milk you produce.
To help maintain and increase the milk supply, these products use galactagogues, which you may have heard of before. These are substances – natural or synthetic – that have been used to stimulate milk production in breastfeeding mothers; mixed reviews on products containing galactagogues can be found and that has probably left you asking if such products really work and if it is safe to include them in your breastfeeding diet to increase your supply.
From what we have researched, here are four characteristics we consider can help you choose the best lactation powder to cover your needs:
1. Complete nutrition
During the breastfeeding process, finding the balance between which postnatal supplements you need, and taking care of yourself can be a struggle for your busy lifestyle. Considering a lactation powder that has multiple postnatal vitamins, probiotics, and other supplements will help you absorb everything your body needs to boost milk production.
2. Fenugreek absence
Fenugreek is a well-known herbal galactagogue and is one of the most popular choices in the country, even though research has still to be done in order to prove its effectiveness.
It is important to consider that fenugreek should not be consumed during pregnancy, as it is known to cause miscarriages and other problems. After giving birth, it is technically safe to consume, as it triggers little to no side effects, but it could have an impact on a baby’s gastrointestinal system–causing diarrhea or an upset stomach– from the components transferred to your supply.
3. Low or no sugar
During their first year of life, your baby is still going through an important development phase, in which brain networks are solidifying and the metabolic system is forming; during this period, sugar consumption from your diet can have detrimental effects.
Sugars like fructose – which is present in fruit and processed foods – can be passed through breast milk when its consumption is higher than recommended, leading to changes in your child’s mood or body weight. Seek the insight of a professional to know the limits of a healthy intake for you and look for a lactation powder free of artificial sweeteners to help you achieve the goal of lowering your sugar consumption.
4. Natural products
With your postpartum routine, sometimes it can feel impossible to have healthy and well-balanced meals, as your baby’s needs become your highest priority. Keep in mind that being well nourished is essential for you to keep a healthy milk supply, as breastfeeding mothers need around 400 extra calories to keep up with the energy their body demands during this period.
Aim to have at hand a lactation powder that supplements your breastfeeding diet with the right nutrients. Look for organic whole food-based products that contain fruits and greens, to have extra support when it comes to your vitamin and mineral intake.
At Breastfeeding 101, we value helping you choose the best products to support you and your growing family as a breastfeeding mom, in order to help you fuel motherhood. In case you are looking for galactagogues and products that can help you boost your nurturing experience, we encourage you to take a quiz from one of our partners to see which products would be suitable for you.
Breastfeeding 101