Tag: sexual desire

How to maintain a healthy Relationship after having a Baby?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Before becoming parents, your life may be full of different activities and stimulation from work, friends, working out, hobbies, family and your partner. After having a baby, your life may be full of snuggles, love and also; diapers, breastfeeding, bathtime and lack of sleep, which can make you feel in grief from the activities that you used to enjoy. Sometimes…

The Role of my Partner as Lactation Support

Reading Time: 4 minutes Research has shown that choosing breastfeeding instead of formula can be influenced by specific assistance by partners; verbal encouragement and support activities from your partner can help you to choose and sustain breastfeeding which the WHO recommends as an optimal health choice for baby´s. So, even though it may be thought that partners had nothing to do with breastfeeding, they…

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      This guide explains step by step why this should not be a dilemma since it is not necessary to choose between one method or the other, but rather to use both in the proportion that best suits you and your baby's breastfeeding schedule.
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