Annie Rueb

RNC, IBCLC Lactation Consultant

Annie Rueb, RNC, IBCLC has been a nurse for over 10 years. She has a B.S. in Nursing and Biology. Annie has spent most of her career working in the birth community where she finds a passion in pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. She was a birth assistant and educator at a birthing center, an inpatient OB nurse, and now an IBCLC. Follow her on Instagram or DM her @az.breastfedbabies

Connecting with my Partner while taking care of a Baby

Reading Time: 4 minutes Between postpartum recovery and adapting to life with a baby, your routine makes an important turn after delivery and this can impact your relationship with your partner. It’s important to keep in mind that the stage of your children taking all of your attention will eventually fade away and if you both wish to, your partner will still be there…

How to maintain a healthy Relationship after having a Baby?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Before becoming parents, your life may be full of different activities and stimulation from work, friends, working out, hobbies, family and your partner. After having a baby, your life may be full of snuggles, love and also; diapers, breastfeeding, bathtime and lack of sleep, which can make you feel in grief from the activities that you used to enjoy. Sometimes…

The Importance of Partner-baby Bonding

Reading Time: 4 minutes Sometimes fathers feel left out, lonely and inadequate during pregnancy or breastfeeding, since it seems like they are “not doing the job”; which could get in the way of bonding with their baby. Social expectations consider the father as the “strong one” but less competent to take care of a baby, such expectations may make you exclude your partner by…

The Role of my Partner as Lactation Support

Reading Time: 4 minutes Research has shown that choosing breastfeeding instead of formula can be influenced by specific assistance by partners; verbal encouragement and support activities from your partner can help you to choose and sustain breastfeeding which the WHO recommends as an optimal health choice for baby´s. So, even though it may be thought that partners had nothing to do with breastfeeding, they…

How can my Partner support me during Pregnancy?

Reading Time: 4 minutes How can my partner support me during pregnancy Pregnancy can be both; wonderful and stressful, it means a big change in a couple’s life and such can come with communication problems or with somebody feeling left out. Here we will talk about some options on how to make this process less stressful and more joyful for you as a couple.…

How to care for your Health after delivery

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s common to forget to take care of yourself while taking care of a newborn, but keep in mind that your body has gone through a big process whether you had a C-Section or a vaginal birth; which means that it needs time to recover. What is postpartum care? Even if you feel overall well, keep in mind that once…

How to remain Fit and Healthy after giving birth

Reading Time: 4 minutes The main thing to prioritize when thinking of maintaining yourself fit is to have a healthy life; which includes a healthy body and mind. This means that exercise, diet and lifestyle shouldn’t be a result of a pressure to avoid normal changes that your body has after birth, but a purpose to have a healthy routine that keeps you strong…

Healthy Body Image after Birth

Reading Time: 4 minutes Your body image is not what your actual body is, but a subjective judgment that your mind has about how your body looks like. This judgment has to do with your life history of what you heard about your body or other bodies, if they were critice or not; this coming from your family and from the society. Having a…

Adjusting to Parenthood

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is a lot to consider when becoming a parent; this new addition to your family means a whole different routine, for you, your partner, another child in the house and for the people near you. It also implies physical, financial and time challenges where you and your partner are going to be looking to adapt to. How to adapt…

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Anxiety

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the many great things about breastfeeding is that it doesn’t only imply a healthy feeding for your baby, but it also has an impact on your mental health. In the following, we will talk about the relationship between breastfeeding and anxiety, regarding risks, treatment and ways to maintain a healthy feeding bond with your baby. Can breastfeeding hormones…

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